Episode 22 | Love, Love, Love
In honour of St Valentine's Day, we run through songs by Scottish artists about Love - whether that be for yourself, another or the place you live.
We post additional content during the week on our social media. Connect with us on instagram and facebook at @scottishblethers and let us know of any requests, comments or suggestions.
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As we are in lockdown and most people can't travel just now, we are also doing Virtual Tours / Presentations on different Scottish themes every 2 weeks via Zoom for £15 per event. Coming up on 25th Feb is Liz with Edinburgh : A Tale of Two Cities, on 11th March we have Helen blethering about Culross, 25th March, Susan will be blethering about the real history behind selected Outlander filming locations and we have more lining up every 2 weeks into May. To book or find out more, please send an email to scottishbletherspodcast@gmail.com
It would be lovely if you could spread the (Scots) word and share us with your friends.
Thanks for listening!
Liz, Susan & Helen